Hot Cross Bun Bread & Butter Puds

If you’re looking for an easy yet impressive pud for your Easter feasts, I have the recipe for you!

Over the weekend, my Sous Chef Ellie and I took to my somewhat messy kitchen to create my Easter take on a Bread & Butter pudding, which has been described by my loyal reviewers as “really bloody good” and “I don’t really know because it was all gone by the time I got home”.  I was also heralded a genius… but I shall vow to stay humble. Maybe.

As recipes go, this is simple but effective. And coincidentally makes for a pretty delightful breakfast.

For 6 portions you will need:

  • Butter for greasing
  • 6 hot crossed buns (1 per serving)
  • 2 tsp cinnamon powder
  • Marmalade – lots of it
  • 350ml/12fl oz whole milk
  • 50ml/2fl oz double cream
  • 2 free-range eggs
  • 25g/1oz granulated sugar

Equipment wise, an electric whisk will be very handy unless you have impressive arm power (in which case, a hand whisk will suffice), and you’ll also need a bowl within which to mix your custard. You’ll also need some scales and a measuring jug.

In terms of baking crockery, individual serving dishes work really nicely. I got mine from Tiger but some lovely Le Creuset ones would be pretty ideal if you want people to think you have your life together (which I don’t).

Firstly you’re going to want to gently warm the milk and cream in a pan over a low heat to scalding point, but DON’T let it boil.

While the milk & cream is doing its thing, crack the eggs into a bowl, add three quarters of the sugar and lightly whisk until pale.

Add the warm milk and cream mixture and stir really well. At this point you should add a bit of cinnamon to the mix. I like things really cinnamony so I put in a few teaspoons but it’s up to you at this point. Whatever you fancy. But if you’re cooking this for me, LOTS of cinnamon please.

Set that aside and prepare your hot crossed buns. Cut them in half (one bun serves one person) and slather with the preserve of your choice. I find marmalade works the absolute best and I used my mummy’s home made Lemon & Gin Marmalade that we created for her wedding a few years ago, however from previous batches i’ve made of this pud I can tell you Ginger Preserve also works beautifully.

If you’re struggling for preserve inspiration, head over to (who incidentally gave me the inspiration for this post) where they have an incredible range of jams and spreads, including a superb range of boozy preserves by Jam & Tipple which would work so well. The Pineapple & Dark Rum sounds pretty dreamy if you ask me.

OR you could even go rogue and use a chocolate spread to get the full Easter effect!

So anyway, slather away onto your halved buns and then squidge them into your serving bowls. Pack them in nice and tight and if you want an extra kick of cinnamon (which I always do) now is the time to give one last sprinkle of the stuff, because the next step is pouring on the custard.

Using a ladle (unless you have a steady hand) generously pour in your custard. You don’t want it all over flowing, but make sure each of the slices are covered. Then sprinkle the last bit of sugar over the top.

You can leave these to stand for a bit if you want just to really soak in the custard. In the mean time you can pre-heat your oven to 180C/355F/Gas 4.

Once the oven is ready (after maybe 7 or 8 minutes) carefully pop them onto the middle shelf of your oven. For the smaller, individual bowls (the ones with only one bun in them) we baked for approximately 25 minutes. The larger bowls we gave 10 minutes longer. Check them after 25 to see how they’re both looking and judge from there.

The custard will make them start to puff and rise ever so slightly. Once they’re done, bring them out (carefully because they’ll be bloody hot!) and admire your own genius.

These are best eaten straight away (although shoving it straight in your mouth will cause a layer of your gums to burn away so maybe give it at least a few minutes) though if you want to save these and re-heat later you can pop them back in the oven for 10 minutes covered in tin foil (to stop them cooking much more) and if you want to make it a proper indulgent pudding, add a big splash of double cream.

Let me know what preserve or jam you use… or if you’re brave enough to go full Easter with this and use a chocolate spread, make sure you let me know how it turns out! @GeorgiePursey


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